Tag Archives: apple

the money sandwich



Oh it’s not an expensive lunch. It’s slang, people.

Urban dictionary.com defines money for the modern age:

money (adj.) of unusually high quality; very good; excellent

This wine is money.

I’m not re-writing the English language, just keeping you in the know. But I am interested in redefining the ol’ lunchbox sandwich. I brought this to work much of the past school year and it kind of became my trademark. Then a few friends started making it themselves, and one teacher offered me money (that’s old-fashioned currency) to make it for her.

Favorite bread, preferred apple, sharp cheese and you’re all set. The lovely surprise I’ve found taking this sandwich on the go is the mayo’s acid keeps the apples from browning. An addicting, fresh take on lunch—ideal to take anywhere (including my favorite vineyard happy hour, where the wine is so money).

Apple Cheddar Sandwich

inspired by a wonderful sandwich I had at Arena’s Deli in Rehoboth

fresh sandwich bread

sharp cheddar

tart apple (such as Granny Smith)

mayo or mustard

optional add-ons:

romaine or butter lettuce

alfalfa sprouts

Slice the apple very thin with a sharp knife (a mandolin makes this a faster job in the morning hours). Spread your favorite condiment on the bread, layer the apple, cheese slices, and greens (if using).

That’s it!

Perfect with unsalted kettle chips. And pickles—plural because I require a minimum of five. It is also truly the same time commitment as PB & J, and a far better conversation piece.

Talk about a *scrumdiddlyumptious pantry find!

What’s your favorite sandwich?


*from Urban dictionary.com: scrumdiddlyumptious (adj.) a word originally coined by Roald Dahl, a kickass author of books that ruled many a childhood; extremely tasty

This chocolate bar is scrumdiddlyumptious.


Filed under budget, health, lickety-quick, small bites